Bacon and egg cupcakes

by aajohannas

Time for a new recipe. I’ve been trying to find a nice snack to have before working out, or for those mornings when snoozing 10 times is more appealing than getting up and making a proper breakfast. I decided that eggs and bacon were a given, and there should be something green in there too, at least for show. These freeze really well, and can be defrosted in the microwave in about two minutes. Otherwise they last for 4-5 days in the fridge (unless you’ve eaten all of them by then). I keep some in the freezer in the graduate kitchen in case I stay late and need a snack, or need something to eat before going to the gym.


The recipe is really easy, you can expect the prep to take about 10-15 minutes. This depends on how good you are at shaping the bacon pieces. It gets a little messy, but it is oh so worth it when you can grab one or two of these on a stressful morning.

The recipe calls for medium eggs: this is to keep the cupcake molds from overflowing. If you have large eggs I would not crack straight into the cupcake tray, but instead into a small ramekin. Then use a spoon to place a yolk in each mold, and add as much white as you can fit without the cupcake overflowing. These will not rise, and will in fact shrink a little as they cook, so you can fill them to the brim. The final tricky step is to be very careful when placing them in the oven, so that the broccoli doesn’t fall over. Then you have a perfect breakfast or pre workout snack for the rest of the week, with minimum work. Enjoy!


Ingredients (makes 6 servings)

12 rashers of bacon
12 medium eggs
12 small bouquets of frozen broccoli
Salt, pepper and smoked paprika powder
Cooking spray

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Lightly spray a cupcake tray with cooking spray. Place a rasher of bacon in each cupcake mold, and add a broccoli bouquet to each mold. Very gently crack an egg into each cupcake. Add a pinch of salt, a twist of pepper and a sprinkle of smoked paprika powder. Bake for 25-30 minutes, or until firm.