Epic Pi Day

Hello again. I’ve once again taken a short break from blogging, mostly because of various health problems. I might tell you more about them later, when I know more about what is going on, but for now I’m just going to say that what little energy I’ve had over the past few months has gone into working and keeping up with all my classes. Yesterday was, as you probably know, a very special day for us mathematicians. It was the most epic Pi Day of the century, at least for those who write their dates in the weird, American way. I tried to look it up on Wikipedia, but they were unusually enough not very enlightening about why Americans write their dates differently from the rest of the world.

My take on Gaby's amazing salted chocolate pie

My take on Gaby’s amazing salted chocolate pie. (P.S. I think I’m finally getting the hang of this food photography thing)

Anyway, yesterday was 3-14-15, or Pi Day to four decimal points. I celebrated with some of my fellow grad students at 9:26 pm, to get some more precision in there. We got together and had what can best be described as all the pie. I brought a salted chocolate pie with a potato chip crust. It sounds weird, I know, but it’s delicious. Trust me. I found the recipe here, and it is my new favourite thing ever. Absolutely amazing, and easy to make too.

I have a conference coming up in a few weeks, where I will get to speak about some research I did as an undergraduate. It’s a conference specifically for grad students, so I expect the talks will be fairly accessible, and I’m not the only person who’s a bit nervous for it. If I have the energy, I will post a little on the topic of my talk here beforehand, and a recount of what the conference was like after. Another exciting topic I have planned for this blog is a post on graphons. It’s something I’ve been learning about over the past few weeks, and it’s an absolutely fascinating way to use analysis in graph theory. That’s all for me today, and I hope everyone had a fantastic Pi Day!