December goals

by aajohannas

It seems my December goals are about (over)due. This month, I’m going to focus on taking care of myself and having a pleasant Christmas.

The first goal is one I’ve already told you about: developing a morning routine that will actually inspire me to get up in the morning. I have a feeling that will be more effective for making me get up in the morning than an empty promise. I outlined my basic idea for a morning routine in my previous post, and we’ll have to see how it changes during the month.

The second one is to stay away from Christmas traditions that I don’t enjoy and find meaningful. I plan on having a minimalist Christmas by cutting out on all the food I don’t enjoy making and eating, all the people I don’t enjoy seeing, and all the Christmas traditions that never meant anything to me.

The third goal is about practicing gratitude. This month, I will not complain about my work. At all. Because, the truth is that I have a wonderful job, and I’m lucky to be able to work with something I love. So now I”m going to go sit down with my complex analysis take-home final, and enjoy the process of discovering the answers.